When called on a derived element object, clears all children from the object.
void markup::clear();
When called on a derived element object, this operation clears all child markup objects from the element. When called on the other
types derived from markup, (
pcdata, comment, and procinstr), this operation does nothing, since these types can contain no children.
Although this operation is relevant only to element derived objects, the clear() operation is implemented in markup,
since it is markup which manages any child markup objects.
#include "xhtml_doc.h"
#include "xport_brochure.h"
#include <algorithm>
#include <iostream>
// function object used in std::find_if()
struct has_id
has_id(const std::string& find_id) : id_val(find_id) {}
bool operator()(const Xport::markup& mkup) { return mkup.attribute(Xport::id) == id_val; }
std::string id_val;
// unary predicate to count descendant elements
bool count_all(const Xport::markup& mkup) { return true; }
int main(int argc, char* argv[])
using namespace Xport;
// create an xhtml strict root document and stylesheet
document doc(root_doc);
stylesheet ss;
// populate them with Xport Brochure
xport_brochure broch;
broch.create(doc, ss);
// use std::find_if() to find element with id = 'content'
markup::descendant_iterator dit = std::find_if(doc.descendant_begin(), doc.descendant_end(), has_id("content"));
if (dit != doc.descendant_end()) {
// found main div element. Count it's descendants
markup::size_type markup_count = std::count_if(dit->descendant_begin(), dit->descendant_end(), count_all);
std::cout << "Xport Brochure's contains " << markup_count << " markup objects.\n\n";
std::cout << "Calling clear() on main div element.\n\n";
// now count descendants again
markup_count = std::count_if(dit->descendant_begin(), dit->descendant_end(), count_all);
std::cout << "Main div element is " << (markup_count == 0 ? "now" : "not") << " empty.\n\n";
return 0;
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