Xport Usage: Enumerations
In Xport, enumerations are used to represent the following.
xhtml tags
xhtml attributes
stylesheet properties
The enumerator names for these enumerations are listed below.
xhtml tags
root, a, abbr, acronym, address, applet, area, b, base, basefont, bdo, big, blockquote, body, br, button, caption, center,
cite, code, col, colgroup, dd, del, dir, div, dl, dt, em, fieldset, font,
form, frame, frameset, h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6, head, hr, html, i, iframe, img, input, ins, isindex, kbd, label,
legend, link, map, menu, meta, noframes, noscript, object, ol, optgroup, option, p, param, pre, q, s, samp, script, select, small, span, strike, strong, style,
sub, sup, table, tbody, td, textarea, tfoot, th, thead, title, tr, tt, u, tr, tt, u, ul, var
xhtml attributes
abbr, above, accept, accept_charset, accesskey, action, align, alink, alt, archive, autocomplete, axis, background, balance,
behavior, below, bgcolor, bgproperties, border, border_color, bordercolordark, bordercolorlight, bottommargin, cellpadding,
cellspacing, challenge, char_attribute, charoff, charset, checked, cite, class_attribute, classid, clear, clip, code,
codebase, codetype, color, cols, colspan, compact, content, contenteditable, coords, data, datafld, dataformatas,
datapagesize, datasrc, datetime, declare, defer, dir, direction, disabled, dynsrc, enctype, event,
face, for_attribute, frame, frameborder, framespacing, galleryimg, gutter, headers, height, hidden,
href, hreflang, hspace, http_equiv, id, ismap, label, lang, language, left, left_margin, link, longdesc, loop, lowsrc, marginheight, marginwidth,
maxlength, mayscript, media, method, methods, multiple, name, nohref, noresize, noshade, nowrap, object, pagex, pagey,
pluginspage, pluginurl, point_size, profile, prompt, rbspan, readonly, rel, rev, rightmargin, rows, rowspan, rules, scheme, scope, scroll,
scrollamount, scrolldeley, scrolling, security, selected, shape, size, span, src, standby, start, style,
summary, tabindex, target, text, title, top, topmargin, truespeed, type, units, unselectable, urn, usemap, valign, value,
valuetype, version, visibility, vlink, volume, vspace, weight, width, wrap, z_index, DOMActivate,
DOMAttrModified, DOMCharacterDataModified, DOMFocusIn, DOMFocusOut, DOMNodeInserted, DOMNodeInsertedIntoDocument, DOMNodeRemoved,
DOMNodeRemovedFromDocument, DOMSubtreeModified, onabort, onactivate, onafterprint, onafterupdate, onbeforeactivate, onbeforecopy, onbeforecut,
onbeforedeactivate, onbeforeeditfocus, onbeforepaste, onbeforeprint, onbeforeunload, onbeforeupdate, onblur, onbounce, oncellchange, onchange, onclick,
oncontextmenu, oncontrolselect, oncopy, oncut, ondataavailable, ondatasetchanged, ondatasetcomplete, ondblclick, ondeactivate, ondrag, ondragdrop,
ondragend, ondragenter, ondragleave, ondragover, ondragstart, ondrop, onerror, onerrorupdate, onfilterchange, onfinish, onfocus, onfocusin, onfocusout,
onhelp, onkeydown, onkeypress, onkeyup, onlayoutcomplete, onload, onlosecapture, onmousedown, onmouseenter, onmouseleave, onmousemove, onmouseout,
onmouseover, onmouseup, onmousewheel, onmove, onmoveend, onmovestart, onpaste, onpropertychange, onreadystatechange, onreset, onresize, onresizeend,
onresizestart, onrowenter, onrowexit, onrowsdelete, onrowsinserted, onscroll, onselect, onselectionchange, onselectstart, onstart, onsubmit, onunload,
xmllang, xmlns, xmlspace
stylesheet properties
background, background_attachment, background_color, background_image, background_position, background_repeat, border,
border_bottom, border_bottom_color, border_bottom_style, border_bottom_width, border_collapse, border_color, border_left, border_left_color,
border_left_style, border_left_width, border_right, border_right_color, border_right_style, border_right_width, border_spacing, border_style,
border_top, border_type_color, border_top_style, border_top_width, border_width, bottom, caption_side, clear, clip, color,
content, counter_increment, counter_reset, cursor, direction, display, empty_cells, float_css, font,
font_family, font_size, font_size_adjust, font_stretch, font_style, font_variant, font_weight, height, left, letter_spacing,
line_height, list_style, list_style_image, list_style_position, list_style_type, margin, margin_bottom, margin_left, margin_right, margin_top,
marker_offset, max_height, max_width, min_height, min_width, outline, outline_color, outline_style, outline_width, overflow, padding, padding_bottom,
padding_left, padding_right, padding_top, position, quotes, right, table_layout, text_align, text_decoration, text_indent, text_shadow, text_transform,
top, unicode_bidi, vertical_align, visibility, white_space, width, word_spacing, z_index, marks,
orphans, page, page_break_after, page_break_before, page_break_inside, size, widows
Some enumerator names for these enumerations are not unique, which are displayed in red above. For instance, the enumerator title exists as
both a xhtml tag enumerator and an attribute enumerator. Because of this conflict, Xport segregates all three of these enumerations in different namespaces.
xhtml tags are declared directly in the Xport namespace.
xhtml attributes are declared within the attribute namespace, which is within the Xport namespace.
stylesheet properties are declared within the css namespace, which is within the Xport namespace.
To avoid name conflicts and ambiguity, those enumerators which are not unique must be resolved
by qualifying them to their appropriate namespace. For instance, you
should reference the enumerator title as either Xport::title
or attribute::title
. Also, you would reference Xport's
keyword width as either attribute::width
or css::width
Properly qualifying those enumerators in red above will insure correct resolution of those enumerators. Qualifying of other enumerators above may be
necessary if those enumerator names conflict with names used by your specific compiler or development environment.